Stormwater Engineering and Water Quality

Division Cooperation

The Stormwater Engineering Division of the Department of Public Works and the Water Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Services work together to provide programs, projects, and services to meet the stormwater management needs of the community and protect the quality of our streams, rivers, and lakes.

Helpful Information

What’s New

Safe Pesticide Use

Find information on how to protect your family from pesticide exposure and smart practices to protect water quality.

Yard Ethic

Learn about the Yard Ethic program, a community-wide effort that starts with your yard in the form of a call to action for individuals and businesses to care for their yards in a way that supports a healthy community of people, plants and wildlife. Visit for more details.

Flood Control and Water Quality Protection Manual

The Flood Control and Water Quality Protection Manual contains the requirements and standards that are used to plan, design, build, and maintain stormwater infrastructure on both private development and City-owned facilities to control flooding and protect water quality. View the manual on the Developer Resources page.

Stormwater Operation & Maintenance Plans for Development Projects

Templates are now available for submittal of a stormwater operation & maintenance plan and agreement as part of the development review process. Get templates on the Developer Resources page.

City of Springfield Stormwater Management Plan

The City’s Stormwater Management Plan and annual report describe the program and activities the City implements to reduce pollutants in stormwater as required by its MS4 permit.

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